The Massachusetts general contracting community was overwhelmed and frustrated with city officials’ mandate that a Construction Fire Safety Plan be submitted at the time of all building permit application. This unfamiliar document request was being driven by the recent adoption of NFPA 1 and its reference Standard, NFPA 241, Safeguarding Construction Operations.
Join Peter Harrod of Code Red Consultants, the Cambridge Fire Department and the Associated General Contractors of MA for a case study on how the fire protection industry collaborated to successfully enforce and implement NFPA 241 to the regulated community. You will walk away with an understanding of the origin and importance of the regulation, it’s impact on the fire service, and how to effectively role out a relatively obscure regulation across an industry.
This session will be part of the Building and Life Safety conference track and attendees earn continuing education units (CEUs) for applicable industry organizations. For early-bird discounts, register by March 31, 2017.