MA Fire Code Update

As of December 9th, 2022, a new fire code has taken effect in Massachusetts. 527 CMR. 1.00 Massachusetts Comprehensive Fire Safety Code is based on the 2021 Edition of NFPA 1 with several Massachusetts specific amendments. Any permits pulled after this date are subject to compliance with the new code. The authority having jurisdiction has the authority to allow a compliance alternative in the event that strict prescriptive code compliance is not feasible, and the intent of the code is met by the proposed design.

The MA Amendments and a memo prepared by the State Fire Marshal summarizing the major changes can be downloaded from the State website at the following link.

It is also expected that the new electrical code (527 CMR 12.00) will be adopted in January of 2023, based on the 2023 Edition of NFPA 70 with Massachusetts specific amendments. A draft of the proposed amendments can be downloaded from the State website at the following link.

Code Red Consultants will continue to monitor these code adoptions and provide updates as more information is released. For additional information or request for assistance on your project, please contact us at


Application of any information provided, for any use, is at the reader’s risk and without liability to Code Red Consultants. Code Red Consultants does not warrant the accuracy of any information contained in this blog as applicable codes and standards change over time. The application, enforcement and interpretation of codes and standards may vary between Authorities Having Jurisdiction and for this reason, registered design professionals should be consulted to determine the appropriate application of codes and standards to a specific scope of work.