New Edition of the Massachusetts Comprehensive Fire Safety Code is Coming (527 CMR 1.00)

Code Basis

The next edition of the code will be based on the 2015 NFPA 1, Fire Code with Massachusetts Amendments. The 2015 NFPA 1 is one code edition newer than the previously adopted 2012 version of the code.

Next Steps

The code has been submitted through the formal review process via the Building Code Coordination Council (BCCC) and Executive Order 562, which was Governor Baker’s order to review each code and regulation to reduce redundancy. The adoption of the 2012 NFPA 1 on January 1, 2015 previously underwent this review, and therefore this upcoming review should not be as time consuming. After review from the BCCC, the code will be submitted to The Executive Office for Administration and Finance (A&F) and with their approval, a public hearing will be held thereafter.

Public Hearing and Comments

The code has yet to be approved for the public hearing period, however comments can be submitted to the Board of Fire Prevention Regulations (BFPR) at any time via email, in writing, or in person. A sample code change form can be found on the BFPR website at

Date of Adoption

The adoption date is still up in the air but the intent is for the code to be promulgated before the end of the year.

Have questions on the preliminary amendments to the code and how they may affect your facility? Contact us with questions about the implications of the code change!

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